Hemp for Fiber Production

from Paper to Fabric to (even) Plastics!

Hemp genetically selected for fiber production has some very distinguishing qualities. It generally grows extremely tall (up to 12’) and has an extremely rigid stalk. When harvesting fiber from hemp plants, you are not actually harvesting the  WHOLE stalk. You are actually harvesting the outer core of the stalk, and separating it from the softer core of the stem. The soft core of the stem can actually be used for animal bedding! Fiber producing strains produce generally an equal amount of seed and flower tissue, which is fairly small. Fiber is used in multiple industries like paper, textiles and even hemp-based plastics!

Planting Hemp for fiber production is usually done with an air seeder, similar to corn. This would mean this style of planting has no prior germination or vegetative time. Merely, the seed is placed into its final placement before germination has occurred.

Harvesting hemp for fiber production is usually done with a combine or specialized tractor. The post combine process can consist of many different methods. Like leaving the hemp on the ground to dry or coming along with a wet bailer, similar to wheat, and bailing hemp into bales.

...Check in next week for details on
Seed / Grain Production!

“Garden responsibly, because we did not inherit this planet from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children!”

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